Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Zealand - Chapter Three: "North by Northeast"

It's incredible to think that nearly five days of travelling could be condensed to five minutes. I'm not sure what that really suggests.

In this week's episode, we bring you to the scenic Bay of Islands and entertain you with Maori music and lore. I've spared you the hours and hours spent driving during this leg of the journey, for which you should be grateful.

(Since Blogger seems to be having some issues with its video feature, the video may not play when you visit. I'll do my best to ensure that everything is working the way it should, but just in case, you can access me through Facebook which does seem to work).

The Video

Click here to view on Youtube: "North by Northeast"

Photo Gallery


Sue and Les said...

Loving the virtual tour! Suenles

B. said...

Thanks, Mates! Since you get to see much of the country, I figure this saves you from the long flight and cost of getting there. Not to mention all those hours driving...